ASL projects for the 2017-2018 school year

“Civitas Universalis” project

Objectives of the project: discovery of the Forum and its monuments, from the end of the Caesarian age until the Augustan age.

The students are asked to produce:

– a descriptive text on a fact that particularly struck them or to tell a story or a myth they listened to;

– a drawing of a detail or a view of the monuments studied;

– a story in the form of a comic strip with anecdotes or aspects of everyday life in ancient Rome;

– a short video of their experience on the site, or a short itinerary selected inside the Roman Forum.

The material created by the students will be added to the educational materials of the future Museo del Foro still under construction.

Schools that have taken part and materials produced by the students:

  • Liceo Classico “ORAZIO” (group consisting of several sections):
    “The Temple of Castor and Pollux” (ppt)
    “The Curia” (video)
    “The Roman Forum” (video-documentary)
  • IS “SILVESTRI”- “Liceo Scientifico MALPIGHI” (class IV B):
    “The Basilica Julia: the sources” (ppt)
    “The Basilica Julia: history” (video-documentary)
    “The Basilica Julia: internal and external architecture” (ppt)
    “Le tabulae lusoriae in the Basilica Julia” (creation of two tabulae lusoriae by the students and ppt with their presentation)

Project “The Multimedia Libr@ry of the Roman Forum-Palatine

Objectives of the project: Starting from the Boni Collection, to devise and develop teaching materials for a virtual exhibition on the Roman Forum dealing with the theme of its principal monuments or historical-cultural insights into the materials consulted.

To create a hypertext linking images of the Roman Forum to historical-cultural insights into the various phases of the site or ancient literary sources.

Schools that took part and recounted the final products made by the students:

  • Liceo Scientifico “SAN FRANCESCO” (class IV sect.I):
    “Sport in Greece and Rome” (ppt)
    “Hairstyles in Roman Times” (video tutorial on making a hairstyle in Roman times and our own days)
    “Harpastum” (ppt comparing the Roman sport of Harpastum and American football)
    “Interview with Augustus and Livia” (video-interview in the style of “Le Iene”)
  • IIS “SILVESTRI” – Liceo Scientifico “MALPIGHI” (class III D):
    “The Lacus Curtius” (ppt)
    “The Fons Juturna” (ppt with freehand drawings on the myth of the Fons Juturna)
    “Julius Caesar and the Temple of the Divus Julius” (ppt)
    “Horace, Satire IX” (video with dramatization in Italian translation by the students)