The complex reality of the PArCo, the ancient heart of the city of Rome, offers all visitors, Roman and not, the opportunity to re-appropriate this heritage in a different way: on the one hand, appreciating the enchantment of the archaeological area, on the other hand immersing themselves in a timeless atmosphere that enraptures and regenerates the eyes and mind. Art and ‘beauty’ are, in fact, privileged channels of exploration, in addition to being an incredible instrument of well-being and regeneration of the soul, reaching out to those who listen, conveying the expressive, human and social potential of everyone.

The Education, Didactics and Training Service has therefore set the objective of reaching all categories of audience, from children to adolescents, students of all ages, and adults, including the most vulnerable categories (visually impaired visitors, the deaf community, visitors with psychic and cognitive disabilities), by offering a series of activities capable of offering everyone the opportunity to enjoy this reality through an experience that stimulates curiosity, emotion and – why not – also fun. The aim is to continue the dialogue initiated in the first year of the existence of the PArCo, which focuses on the needs of the most disadvantaged visitors. At the heart of this is the idea of art and culture as an opportunity to enhance personal well-being, improve the quality of life and help perceive reality in a different and creative way.

In the light of all this, the PArCo has, therefore, seen the birth in 2019 of the specific Salus per Artem programme with the objective of building a PArCo accessible to all! By succeeding in opening a passage in the emotions of those who visit the area, it is possible to build a bridge between them and the cultural heritage, generating interest and affection towards places rich in art and history. In this way it will also be easier to promote the civil and social sense of the community, in the awareness that this heritage is a precious asset for all and should be protected and shared.

The PArCo staff, interacting with the various categories of the public, act as mediators of this priceless heritage, conveying the understanding and enjoyment of the archaeological material reality of the area, through entertainment and creativity. The EDT Service is therefore a constantly growing workshop of ideas which, together with initiatives in the field that involve the public in its entirety, respecting their needs and stimulating their intellectual and emotional involvement, offers even at this time of inevitable social distancing due to the pandemic a range of projects and opportunities within its online Board.

In the EDUCATION section of the PArCo, the heritage of the archaeological area is interpreted and narrated each time in a different way: through comics, games, stories, even with the recipes of the ancient Romans or exciting videos that allow everyone to fly over it!

But the surprises do not end here…

Contact details:

Tel.: 06-69984.636
Mobile: 331.6739888


For a complete picture of the educational offer of MiC, promoted and distributed by the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes with the coordination of the Centre for Educational Services of the Museum and the Territory (Sed), follow this link:

Discover the MiC educational offer:



Education, Didactics and Training Service: Andrea Schiappelli (head), Federica Rinaldi, Francesca Boldrighini, Silvio Costa, Silvia D’Offizi, Elena Ferrari, Francesca Ioppi, Raffaella Raponi.

With the support of (internships, traineeships and consultancies): Francesca Pandolfi (from 2019); Davide Criscuolo, Flavia Di Cicco and Julia Pascual Mellado (2020). Collaboration for graphic design: Simonetta Massimi (until February 2021) and Giovanni Pellegrini Raho.